Barmera Men’s Shed

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Barmera Men's Shed

Thanks to one of our wonderful tour participants, Richard Sheppard, we have a couple of photos of one of the “BQ” buildings from Maralinga.

It is now doing ‘light duties’ semi-retired, as the Barmera Men’s Shed, although it HAS stuck with its gender bias and still houses a mob of blokes. 😁

The largely-aluminium buildings were flown into Maralinga from England back in the 1950s. Most were sold off with only two of this type remaining on-site at Maralinga. One of which houses the museum and the other is being converted to group and wheelchair-accessible accommodation.

Barmera Men's Shed
Barmera Men’s Shed, ex BQ building from Maralinga.

Many were dismantled and sold off, many are possibly still in use. Let us know if you know of any.

Village Maralinga Aerial 1960's
Village Maralinga Aerial 1960’s
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